Sunday, June 22, 2014

d3 visualization experiences Schrodinger's cat paradox (i.e., win and fail)

A few weekends ago, I took a d3 visualization workshop class hosted at Zipfian. Eager to show off my newfound skillz (with a "z"), I tried dumping my previous post's data into d3. Encountering countless hurdles along the way (asynchronous calls, adding jQuery source to blogspot, cross-site hosting, MIME-type errors, jsonCallback, getting pandas to output json in a desirable format, etc.), it is now two weeks later. I have good news and bad news.

The good news is that after hours of futzing around on a perfectly sunny Saturday afternoon, I managed to get a prototype working! It reads in jsons hosted on my github and plots nice, simple bars, dots, and a SF street map overlay (or underlay?). See above, if you're lucky.

The bad news, I discovered this morning, is that it actually still doesn't work (for you unlucky folks). As far as I can tell, it doesn't work with Chrome on Windows or Chrome on Chrome OS. It also doesn't work on mobile (but even my MathJax equations from the Markov Chains and Bayes-MCMC posts didn't work on mobile). I am working on an Ubuntu machine with Chrome, and it works here for some reason.

The problem apparently is that github hosts raw files as text/plain to prevent hotlinking. Initially only Internet Explorer respected the Content-type header, but Chrome and Firefox got on board about a year ago. My guess is the Ubuntu version of Chrome hasn't been updated yet, which is why it works for me.

So... back to the drawing board.


  1. You can try using the D3 native loading functions to load from the Github API:

    d3.json("[my repo]/contents/[my data file].csv", function(response) {

    // parse the Github API response to get at the data content
    data = d3.csv.parse(atob(response.content));

    // put D3 code here
